It can often be difficult to acknowledge that it is time to ask for a little help or support. It may be physical tasks, housekeeping, specific personal care or help following a hospital discharge- whatever your needs, a regular visit could make all the difference. It needn’t be as daunting as you may think.
First of all, give us a call. Our team speak to hundreds of families each week, understanding their needs and discussing what care services we can provide in return. This is an informal chat – a chance for you to ask the questions you have and allay any fears or preconceptions about asking for help.
Whether you simply require some short term respite, convalescence or are planning for your long term needs we will have a programme of visits for you to choose from. Carers can visit as frequently as you like, from half an hour calls through to longer “sit” sessions that may take most of the day or even help during the night.
What we then do is prepare your individual care plan. This document will detail all of your needs, from medication to mobility, issues and routines. With the flexibility to constantly evolve, this forms the cornerstone of your service.
Our professional care teams work within their own local areas and so there is a strong likelihood that they are already supporting somebody in your village or town already. We will source the right carer for your needs and for added peace of mind, you can meet them before care begins.
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